This is a must read!
Shadows of Atlantis: Awakening
Are you tired of books with characters and stories that are flat-out predictable? If so, then you need to check out Shadows of Atlantis: Awakening. Mara Powers has spun a yarn that is filled with complex characters and an intricate storyline that will keep you guessing as each scene unwinds. The magical and blissful days of Atlantis are in grave danger. The Children of the One, operating in secret, may offer D'Vinid a chance to not only personally awaken through an initiation of blue-dream awakening but re-awaken the Atlanteans. D'Vinid must decide whether or not to join them. He struggles with his fears of the Watchers, and doesn't want to give in to fate. However, his passion and unexpected love for Brigette may be more than his free will can handle. Though stalked by an evil being - a shadow, Brigette is meant to help save Atlantis. Brigette and D'Vinid face more than just the dangerous shadows attacking Atlanteans as they fight their forbidden love. Brigette is already betrothed to D'Vinid's nemisis, King Kyliron. The decisions each of them make will have a powerful impact on the fate of Atlantis.
Mara Powers shares colorful details admist the intricacies of this Atlantean fiction. Readers will become enraptured with the numerous and diverse characters filled with psychic connections and telepathic communication abilities. To fully engage in Shadows of Atlantis: Awakening, you should prepare to open your mind to the uniqueness of the story, the depth of the plot, and the empathy you will feel for a plethora of characters. Shadows of Atlantis is more than fantasy or mythical fiction. In fact, it offers a fascintating prospect to what might have once been very close to an otherworldly truth.
-Janelle Alex

Atlantis is an idyllic paradise where citizens are meant to live in alignment with nature and reach their highest potential. They have thrived for thousands of years, powering their cities by feeding mindlight donations to the Crystal Grid, which connects the people psychically. But the Grid has been infiltrated by shadows—terrifying parasite creatures that stimulate and feed off the negative emotions of humans. They have caused an epidemic called the madness.
There are those, however, who have been born with a gene, that when awakened, have been able to unlock mystical powers once believed to be the birthright of all humans. D’Vinid, a dejected troubadour, has better things to think about, and yet he is accused of being one of them. When he meets Brigitte, who has come to Atlantis from the dreamclans, a chain of events is set in motion that reveals he has a much larger role to play. He is soon forced to face his own awakening with the shocking realization that Atlantis could be experiencing the end of its days.
Mara Powers is an American Gen Xer who discovered the mystery of Atlantis at sixteen, and has researched it avidly ever since. Hailing from a literary family, she has always been a free spirit, living a life of adventure in pursuit of her many creative talents. Her travels have enhanced her love of words, and gifted her with experiences, life observations and characters to weave into her stories. She regularly migrates between Los Angeles, San Francisco, Northern Colorado, Washington, DC, New York City, and Austin, Texas.
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