Friday, September 30, 2016

In Vitro Lottery - 4 Star Award Winning Book

"Thought provoking, scarily believable and compelling." Louise Lambert 
"An excellent book. Not my usual type of subject at all, but I was very glad to have read it." Hamish 

In an infertile world, what hope is there for the future? 

Decades after a deadly plague has ravaged the world, the children of the survivors can only reproduce via complex fertility treatment. Some can afford it, but for everyone else there is the In Vitro Lottery. 

Kate Adams never wanted a family, so when her numbers come up she gives her winning ticket to her sister Emily, who is desperate for a child. But when tragedy strikes at the clinic it sends Kate down a dark path of discovery, not only into the nature of the Lottery and the clinic head Victor Pearson, but her own flesh and blood. Just how far had Emily gone in pursuit her addiction, and what had she got involved with? 

In Vitro Lottery is a cautionary tale of obsession and control, and the dangers of getting exactly what we wish for.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Sexy Challenges 33 Adventures - The World Greatest Relationship Improvement Book

Whether you want deep soulful lovemaking or hot-rip-your-clothes-off sex, you can consciously connect to your spirituality, your friskiness, your heart and your lover every time with these 33 unique sexy challenges.  Drs. Rob and Janelle Alex are an amazing power couple who help you and your partner open your hearts, souls, minds and bodies through playful, metaphysical spirituality and sexuality. 

Lovemaking is far more than just a physical interaction between lovers.  It is actually a sacred journey you and your partner travel together.  One of the greatest things about Sexy Challenges is that they're easy, practical and a lot of fun.  And, they lead you on a mystical journey like no other. 

Most couples want to keep their relationship hot and sexy, but aren't sure how to do it.  On top of that, they crave a spiritual connection.  However, blending the sexy and the spiritual can seem confusing or even impossible.  Drs. Rob and Janelle have created a solution with these almost effortless ideas for you and your lover.   

Plan your sexy date nights with the couples' sexual planner while creating planned spontaneity.  Transform yourselves into vampires or Egyptian lovers.  Build a love retrieval machine while exploring an orgasmic reincarnation.  Spin the bottle and sensually motivate your partner.  

When you experience these 33 adventures you'll discover how to create powerful energy with passion, purpose and love.  You'll even learn how to sexually charge your money! 

No matter how you look at it, Sexy Challenges 33 Adventures will set your lingerie, spirituality and intimacy on fire.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Authors This Mastermind Has Epic Results Written All Over It

Creative Author Marketing Mastermind

Being an author is exciting! However, maybe you…

already know you need help learning how to promote it  
Or…you struggled to promote the last one, 
and want a community to help support you this time

Do you have one?

The truth is that you need one!  There a lot of moving parts when it comes to creating a solid, powerful, yet fun, marketing strategy.  But, you don’t need to freak out or throw your hands up in the air. And, if you think that you can just hire a publicist to do it all is a mindset you should reset.  *Please note that there are amazing publicists out there and wonderful publishers who can really help you (their connections can be very helpful), but you can’t expect them to just do it all for you! 

    Are you at a loss?  You just don’t know where to start?
    You’ve been trying and nothing’s really working?
    STOP trying to do it all by yourself!
    We’re here to break things down for you and walk you through it!

    Join the Creative Author Marketing Mastermind and become part of a community of authors that will

    • support one another
    • cheer each other’s successes
    • share new ideas
    • brainstorm together
    • get excited over outside-the-box thinking
    • offer tips and advice
    • be there for you before, during and after your release(s)
    Even more, you’ll get…
    • laser focused personal coaching every month
      • monthly conference calls – everyone gets the opportunity to get personal coaching from Rob and Janelle (and feedback from other members) on one specific question/concern
      • if you have to miss a live conference call, you can send in your question and we’ll talk about it and ask for input from other members
    • a secret Facebook group just for Mastermind members
      • Facebook Live mini-trainings with a power-tip from Rob and Janelle 2x/month in which we really break things down step-by-step for you  **You can always watch the replay if you miss the live.  Either during the live or after you can ask questions, comment, etc.
        • During these trainings Rob and Janelle will go over things like: defining your ideal readerdefining your overall goals for your books and specific goalsdeveloping a one sheet, creating your media kit, the best way to use social media to YOUR benefit, and so much more
    • ask for feedback from your fellow mastermind members and from Rob and Janelle
    • no need to travel – you can do this from anywhere
    • maximum of six mastermind members scheduled to speak on each conference call to help ensure personalized attention
    Six-month Mastermind (officially launching October 1, 2016)

    Click here to get more details. 

    Tuesday, September 27, 2016

    The Shelf Life of Happiness

    Ripped apart by Portugal’s financial crisis, Daniel’s family is struggling to adjust to circumstances beyond their control. His wife and children move out to live with family hours away, but Daniel believes against all odds that he will find a job and everything will return to normal.
    Even as he loses his home, suffers severe damage to his car, and finds himself living in his old, abandoned office building, Daniel fights the realization that things have changed. He’s unable to see what remains among the rubble—friendship, his family’s love, and people’s deep desire to connect. If Daniel can let go of the past and find his true self, he just might save not only himself but also everyone that really matters to him.

    Monday, September 26, 2016

    Holiday Book Contest

    Have you written a book with a Holiday Theme?

    Well we have a contest for any book with a Holiday Theme

    We want you to get us in a Holly Jolly Spirit with your book!

    Sunday, September 25, 2016

    Romance Novel Contest

    We are looking for the best Romance Novels in the World

    If you have written one then enter our contest and enjoy the amazing promotion you get!

    Plus, You could be the winner.

    Saturday, September 24, 2016

    Horror Novel Contest

    You still have a few days remaining to get into Authors Talk About It's Horror Contest

    Don't miss the extra Halloween Promotion

    Friday, September 23, 2016

    Parado - 4 Star Award Winning Book

    If Lord of the Flies and The Thing had a baby and then that baby was raised by Evil Dead, it would grow up to be this toe-curling camp scare splattered with black humor and nasty stuff.

    Brant is part of an adventure trek-an alternative summer camp-hiking to remote Lake Parabo where a legendary demon is said to be trapped on an island, waiting to take revenge on the world for exiling it there. But when the skeptical trekkers arrive on the island, they find there's more truth to the legend than they bargained for and are soon swallowed up in a battle against mutated wildlife, flesh invading plants, and a desperate demon plucking off trekkers one-by-one.

    Thursday, September 22, 2016

    Coriander - 5 Star Winner from Authors Talk About It

    Frankenstein meets The Borrowers.

    Coriander, a collectible Blythe doll, is brought to life through Frankenstein-ian science and animal guts. She's happy, living a reclusive life inside the walls of batty Moira Cake's house.

    But the arrival of a monster, a vicious street cat with a bad reputation, brings pushy outsiders that force Coriander out of her home. Coriander soon discovers there are more dangers lurking within the home she's trying so hard to get back to, than the perils she imagined the outsiders posed.

    Flocks of witches, mailmen playing dress up, and fantastical beasts speckle this story with wonder and humor.

    Let yourself in on the secret in this highly anticipated debut rife with lovable characters brought to life through a series of odd and charming adventures.

    Wednesday, September 21, 2016

    The Mastermind for Authors and Their Marketing

    Creative Author Marketing Mastermind

    You wrote a book…now what?

    Being an author is exciting! However, maybe you…
    already know you need help learning how to promote it  
    Or…you struggled to promote the last one, 
    and want a community to help support you this time
    what's your marketing strategy question
    Do you have one?

    The truth is that you need one!  There a lot of moving parts when it comes to creating a solid, powerful, yet fun, marketing strategy.  But, you don’t need to freak out or throw your hands up in the air. And, if you think that you can just hire a publicist to do it all is a mindset you should reset.  *Please note that there are amazing publicists out there and wonderful publishers who can really help you (their connections can be very helpful), but you can’t expect them to just do it all for you!  

    Here are just a few things that you may need to put together for your marketing:

    • define your goals for your book(s)/writing
    • define your ideal reader
      • where are they hanging out
    • an eye-catching one sheet
    • captivating media kit
    • social media accounts (from Facebook to Instagram to Youtube to….ahhh)
      • which ones are right for you
      • how to use social media without being on the internet all day
      • creating the powerful profiles
    • where to get interviews (live, on-line, off-line, audio, video, print, etc.)
    • where to find book reviewers
    • potentially enter book award contests
    • easy-to-read, welcoming website
    • potential topics to speak on 
    • outside-the-box ideas
    Several colorful arrow street signs with the words Confused By Too Many Choices, illustrating the paralysis and immobility you can feel when suddenly facing a wide array of options to choose from
    Are you at a loss?  You just don’t know where to start?
    You’ve been trying and nothing’s really working?
    STOP trying to do it all by yourself!
    We’re here to break things down for you and walk you through it!

    Join the Creative Author Marketing Mastermind and become part of a community of authors that will

    • support one another
    • cheer each other’s successes
    • share new ideas
    • brainstorm together
    • get excited over outside-the-box thinking
    • offer tips and advice
    • be there for you before, during and after your release(s)
    Even more, you’ll get…
    • laser focused personal coaching every month
      • monthly conference calls – everyone gets the opportunity to get personal coaching from Rob and Janelle (and feedback from other members) on one specific question/concern
      • if you have to miss a live conference call, you can send in your question and we’ll talk about it and ask for input from other members
    • a secret Facebook group just for Mastermind members
      • Facebook Live mini-trainings with a power-tip from Rob and Janelle 2x/month in which we really break things down step-by-step for you  **You can always watch the replay if you miss the live.  Either during the live or after you can ask questions, comment, etc.
        • During these trainings Rob and Janelle will go over things like: defining your ideal readerdefining your overall goals for your books and specific goalsdeveloping a one sheet, creating your media kit, the best way to use social media to YOUR benefit, and so much more
    • ask for feedback from your fellow mastermind members and from Rob and Janelle
    • no need to travel – you can do this from anywhere
    • maximum of six mastermind members scheduled to speak on each conference call to help ensure personalized attention

    So, what’s the investment?

    It’s only $333 for six months!
    But, here’s a super cool way to be a part of the mastermind for FREE
    ….drum roll please….
    Get a Coach or Mentor
    When you come on board as a private client and work with us on an even deeper level for six months, your mastermind investment is FREE.
    And, guess what…working with us for six months, having an hour-long call every other week with one or both of us is only $999.  That is a huge savings when you consider that you’ll be learning skills that you can use over and over again! And, yes, you can make payments to become a private client or even just to join the mastermind.  
    But wait…
    There’s a way to get your private six months of coaching for ONLY $500!!!!  Yes, that includes your free entrance into the mastermind, too. 
    We’re not kidding, but we won’t be doing this for very long! So, get on our calendar to have a conversation with us and discover what will be the best fit for you
    • Mastermind – six months for only at $333
    • Private coaching + mastermind – six months for only $999
    • Private coaching + mastermind – six months for ONLY $500
    • Nothing…you’re good to go and we had a great time chatting and getting to know you 🙂 

    Is this for you?Let's talk!

    You already know you’re ready to join the Mastermind and you’re ready to just pay now?

    Freaking awesome…let’s do it!
    Six-month Mastermind (officially launching October 1, 2016)
    *You can renew as you near the end of your six-months, so you never miss a training or call 🙂
    Only $333

    Tuesday, September 20, 2016

    Crimson Souls - 4 Star Winner, ATAI Horror Novel Contest

    In 1920, Phineas Nathanial Trescott fought back against the "Secret Court" of Harvard's elite and their unjust purge of homosexual men. The members of the court, fearing his influence, attacked him and threw him off a bridge to look like a suicide. As Phineas lay in the river dying, he was given the chance of eternal life, a life that would allow him to seek out the men who had murdered him. He accepts the offer and becomes Nate, The Midnight Barke, a shadower ruling over the dark realm of his Netherworld. Now, over eighty years later, Nate has tracked down the last remaining descendants of the members of the Secret Court, and for one night will gather them together for a final confrontation of lust, desire, and revenge.