Read this novel from either Annalise or Aiden's perspectives, or both, to understand their intertwined fates. A great novel to experience with a friend or loved one, while you share the differences and similarities between the chapters.

Is your little one showing signs of anger or withdrawal? Have they gone through a recent radical transition like divorce, loss of a parent, loss of a home or new member in the family? Are their eating and sleeping habits changing? Are they wetting the bed? Have they lost interest in activities that used to excite them? Have they started gaining weight or biting their nails? These are all signs of a stressed child: a little one going through pain.
So if your little one is struggling and you can see past your own expectations of who “they should be” or “how they should feel”, this book when read together at bedtime can help bring healing for both of you and a new understanding at least at the unconscious level (where trauma gets stored), to help your little one process possible neglect, rejection and invalidation wounds that are making him/her feel less than who their magnificent expressive self truly is.
Charlotte Custard and Sandra Milk are complete opposites. Charlotte always has perfect grades and perfect clothes, while nothing in Sandra’s life ever seems to turn out how she wishes.
But is Charlotte’s life really as perfect as it appears?
As Charlotte and Sandra get to know each other, they discover that their lives bear a resemblance that they least expect.
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“Katherine, the Duchess of Hampshire, is a liar. Her marriage is one of convenience. Of necessity. But it's becoming increasingly difficult to remind herself of this when she's in the company of her enigmatic husband John and his lover, an artist by the name of Henry Fletcher. Everything changes between the three of them after an otherwise uneventful evening. Words once left unsaid are spoken, repressed feelings can no longer be contained, and with just a few fevered whispers, their futures are forever altered...”
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