"This book should be in everybody's house." - Paul Chek
This comprehensive video series and book is meant for anyone who is interested in transitioning from factory-farmed food to organic and hopefully, one day, biodynamic – but at the same time feels confused by all the labels, and even whether organic food is any better than factory-farmed food. With entertaining illustrations, videos, and very light reading, the "Anti-Factory Farm Shopping Guide" covers the following topics:
-Differences between caged, cage-free, free-range, and pasture-raised meats and eggs
-How to easily identify genetically-modified foods-Why factory-farmed meats cause inflammation
The myth of safe pesticides-Differences between factory-farmed, organic, and biodynamic fruits and vegetables
-Why seeing “vegetarian feed” on a label is actually a bad thing, even if it’s organic
-Importance of staying away from farmed fish
-How to source quality water and supplements
-And much more
To enhance learning and make it all as simple as possible, this book comes with free video instructions and other extended learning materials, accessible via website link when proof of receipt is emailed. My intention is for you to spend less time reading and more time taking action.
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