Setting Goals to Make Your Dreams Come True:
It happened for me, it can happen for YOU
Are you sick and tired of living a mediocre life filled with unachieved goals?
It is one thing to set goals, and it is another to actualize them. This is why not everyone who sets goals achieves them; 80% actually don’t! Also, 1 in 2 women globally gives up on their dreams.
So why are the statistics so high?
What can you do to ensure that you are among the 20% who do live their dreams?
Well, this is what Setting Goals to Make Your Dreams Come True by Amy Stewart aims to help you do. This book is dedicated to goal setting for women, putting into account their unique needs and circumstances.
Precisely, in this book, you will learn:
- All about goal setting for women and accompanying thought-provoking quizzes to help you set goals in each sector of your life efficiently
- How to handle your goals with the seriousness they deserve
- Getting your finances under control as a woman
- Staying on top of your goals to maintain your success
- And much more!

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