Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Ancient Blood - A Novel of the Hegemony

A one-night-stand with a vampire leaves Avery Doyle forever changed.

Avery is fascinated by vampire fiction and lore. He’s read every novel, seen all the movies, and researched the myths. When his hot date, Caroline, turns out to be a true vampire on the run, he jumps at the chance to exit his blasé human existence and join her as a child of the night. Then Caroline’s brutal Creator Sebastian enslaves them on his secluded island estate. The honeymoon is over…

Avery is thrust into a savage vampire underworld, nothing like his romanticized dreams. To survive, Caroline and Avery become servants in Sebastian’s household during a council gathering of the most powerful vampires, entrapped in the intrigues and deceptions of The Order.

A secret society of wealth, power, and inhuman decadence hidden in plain sight, the immortal aristocracy of The Order manipulates the mega corporations and political leaders of the world. And Sebastian plans to overthrow The Order and shatter human civilization.

To avoid a vampire apocalypse, Avery and Caroline must defy the most powerful creatures on Earth, and confront the darkest aspects of their true natures. Victory could cost their souls . . .

A fast-paced dark fantasy thriller that redefines and pays tribute to the traditional vampire. Ancient Blood is a story of love, ambitions, sacrifice, and betrayal that is frighteningly human.

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