Thursday, November 16, 2017


Rosetta Melki (part-time tarot reader, struggling sole parent and full-time idealist) begins a reading group to examine a fantasy novel and discovers the book to be anything but fiction.

The book, written in the 1770s by Edward Lillibridge, is a hidden history that reveals the true beginnings of the global monetary system. Lillibridge’s story surrounds ancients from a gold-obsessed empire and the sprites they oppress: elfin clan dwellers whose currency of choice is kindness.

Whether discontent in rich and poor will ever make way for a world free of war and poverty, whether anyone can believe enough in humanity’s true ancient history to activate the dawn of a benevolent new era, remains to be seen. One thing, however, is certain. Someone in modern times must fulfil a prophecy. The time-crossing sprites of Lillibridge’s descriptions have set their sights on Rosetta, but first they must ensure she meets her one true love. Feet-on-the-ground finance executive Matthew Weissler is hardly a likely candidate -- even less so after their klutzy introduction. He’s polished, successful, admired, and is disturbed to find he’s being shadowed by an elf.

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